Friday 13 December 2019

Intermediate - Lesson 8 - Learning and Saying the Human Body Parts in Korean Lesson

The following are the Korean words for the parts of the human body.

Head---Mori (Moh-ree)
Hair---Morigarak (Moh-ree-kah-rak)
Eyes---Nun (Noon)
Eyebrow---Nunseop (Noon-sope)
Eyeball---Nundongja (Noon-dong-jah)
Eyelid---Nunkeopul (Noon-kope-pool)
Nose---Ko (Koh)
Face---Ogeul (Oh-gule)
Cheek---Bol (Bol)
Moustache---Kosumyeom (Koh-sume-yome)
Beard---Suyeom (Suu-yome)
Tounge---Hyeo (Heeyo)
Lips---Ipsul (Eep-sule)
Teeth---I (Ee)
Chin---Teok (Toke)
Forehead---Ima (Ee-mah)
Mouth---Ip (Eep)
Ear---Gwi (Gwee)
Neck---Mok (Mohk)
Arm---Pal (Pal)
Fist---Jumok (Jew-mok)
Elbow---Palkumchi (Pal-kume-chee)
Hand---Son (Son)
Palm---Sonbadak (Son-bah-dak)
Wrist---Sonmok (Son-mok)
Finger---Songarak (Son-kah-rak)
Thumb---Omji (Ome-chee)
Fingernail---Sontop (Son-top)
Leg---Dari (Dah-ree)
Foot---Bal (Bal)
Toe---Balgarak (Bal-kah-rak)
Toenail---Baltop (Bal-top)
Ankle---Balmok (Bal-mok)
Waist---Heori (Ho-ree)
Shoulder---Eokkae (Oke-kay)
Stomach---Bae (Bay)
Navel---Baekkop (Bay-kop)
Back---Deung (Tung)
Butt---Ondongi (Awn-dung-ee)
Body---Mom (Mum)
Chest---Gaseum (Kah-sume)

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